Ginger herb to relieve colds. How is it good to eat?

Foods that contain ginger sell well. Because many people claim. That Ginger can protect against COVID-19, but what is it really like? Today we will let you know.
1. Ginger does not help prevent COVID 19.
Because COVID 19 is a new emerging disease. And there has been no report of any type of food that will help prevent COVID 19, so eating to prevent COVID 19 would be considered a bit defeating the purpose. If we want to prevent this disease What you should do is eat hot, clean, cooked food with vegetables at every meal. Separate spoons, separate bowls, and separate utensils. Keep your distance from others according to the principles of Social Distancing or Physical Distancing, based on the principle that contagious diseases will not be transmitted if we do not communicate with each other.
2. Ginger can help strengthen the immune system.
Although ginger does not help prevent disease, But there are many studies. The piece that says Ginger contains antioxidants โปรโมชั่น ufabet and anti-inflammatory substances. There are many (anti-inflammatory) substances such as Gingerol, Shogoal and Paradoal. It has been found that ginger can help reduce muscle aches after exercise. In addition, some substances in ginger It also acts to prevent the growth and mutation of various types of cancer cells. But it is still only in the research stage at the test tube and animal level. Further studies are still required.
3. In summary, is it good to eat ginger or not?
The answer is that it is edible and good. You should eat it mainly from natural foods, such as boiling ginger water and drinking it instead of sweet water, soft drinks, or various sweet teas. We must not add more than 1 teaspoon of sugar or honey per glass per day, or you may stir-fry ginger with various types of meat, such as ginger-fried fish to get better nutritional value.